Everyday life worries, fast pace of life and stress have a great impact on human health. The return to nature and the medicine obtained from nature have made life easier and healthier for many. Bees, as part of organic production with bee products, help people’s health. But honey, pollen or propolis are not just something that bees can give us. Staying in the apiary itself has a beneficial effect on the beekeeper.
When a beekeeper works above the hive, he breathes air from the hive, which has been proven to be healthy. It is the air or micro-climate created by bees mixed with the vapors of honey and propolis. And in nice weather, when the bees are calm, the sound and micro vibrations have a positive effect on the beekeeper.
Precisely for this reason, treatment with the influence of bees, ie apitherapy, is becoming increasingly popular. Apitherapy was started not only by clinics specialized in alternative medicine, but also by beekeepers with vision.
From apitherapy, two methods are most often used. The first is to inhale air directly from the hive. This is made possible in such a way that the patient sits in home absolutely safe from the bees, and the tubes with masks on which he breathes are directly connected to the hive.
Another way is the so-called bee bed. In a fully secured facility where there are no bees, the patient lies on a bed under which there are 4 or 5 hives. Beneficial micro vibrations and sound have a very good effect on health.