I became a beekeeper at the end of May 2018. I finally had hives and my own bees. There was a big road ahead of me with a lot of learning, ups and downs. And the first fall happened after only three weeks. When I was feeding the swarms, I was bitten by a bee for the ankle of my right leg. Apart from mild pain and tingling, I did not feel anything. That day I usually walked in the evening. The next day my ankle swelled so I couldn’t get off my leg. I was on sick leave for a whole week. I thought to myself, this is not for me after all. Not even three weeks have passed, and here is what happened to me from just one bee sting.

Every next time I was more careful, but also calmer in working with bees. And the stings came one after the other. Not always, but at least one or two a month. Despite these initial problems, I started to like bees more and more. Always being calm or at least trying to stay calm, over time have become my daily routine in working with bees.
In those first years, the swarms developed nicely. Since we are in a gentle mountain environment, there was no shortage of pollen, which is most important for the development of bee colony. This first year, as a rule, it is not expected that there will be honey for beekeepers, but only for bees for their further growth and development.
As the bees are on the video we visit regularly, our little natural environment became even more dear to us and we went to the mountain with more desire and motivation. Although we live in a house in the city, nature is irreplaceable and we are always happy to return to it.